Jackson Career Center 10th Grade Tour

View JACC Video on the Thumb Drive which your local school counselor has, or go to jacc-mi.net and click the link “JACC VIDEO”.

Electronic Directions for Visit Sign Up

  1. Go to psjacc.jcisd.org or to our website, www.jacc-mi.net, and click on link “JACC 8th/10th Grade Tour Sign Up”. This information is on the bright pink signs provided in your box of material.
  2. Put in Username and Password information provided by local school staff.
  3. Select “Sign In”
  4. Select Class Registration
  5. Select the Edit button on the right hand side of the first gray box
  6. Select 3 courses by clicking in the box to the left of class name. NOTE: There are two pages of class selections
  7. Click “Okay” button at the bottom of the box
  8. Click “Submit” – you must do this to finalize selections
South Central Michigan Virtual